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The outlook for Asian economies

The domestic growth potential across the region remains strong
June 25, 2020

Coronavirus has ripped across the world leaving no country unscathed. The world economy is falling into recession, scarred by both a public health crisis and the dramatic action to limit its spread. While lockdowns are now being eased and economies are opening up in most regions, there is still a huge amount of uncertainty over the severity of subsequent outbreaks and what the longer-term economic damage will be. 

But one thing is clear, Asian economies are emerging from the pandemic in relative strength. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development has forecast the potential hit to gross domestic product (GDP) across a number of regions, shown in the table below. A ‘double hit scenario’ accounts for a second outbreak occurring in all economies towards the end of this year. A ‘single hit scenario’ assumes a second outbreak is avoided. The table shows that the economic impact looks less severe in China, Indonesia and Korea than elsewhere in the world. 


Real GDP growth (% year on year)

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