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Juice your returns with the right number of stocks

How many stocks should make up a portfolio? It's a difficult question and one many get wrong, but getting it right is vital so weak ideas don't drag the rest of your investments down
May 16, 2024 & Michael Fahy
  • Balance risk management and conviction
  • Diversify at the asset class level, too

Professional stockpickers have a patchy record: research by Morningstar published earlier this year suggested 90 per cent of funds bought more losers than winners between 2013 and 2023. 

But this doesn’t necessarily mean they lack skill. What if they are just buying too many shares, diluting high-conviction plays with filler stocks? The academic paper Best Ideas (Antón, Cohen and Polk, 2009) suggests that while fund managers’ favourite picks often beat benchmarks, performance trails off after about the top 20 stocks they hold. 

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