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'How should I invest my £4.4mn portfolio to avoid IHT?'

Portfolio Clinic: A reader dislikes the 'iniquitous' tax and wants to minimise his liability
June 30, 2023
  • A reader and his wife want to maintain their current lifestyle and pass on money, too
  • They dislike the idea of buying Aim stocks, but are open to other options
  • They rely on portfolio income
Reader Portfolio
Ben 75

Property, Isas, pensions, offshore bonds, shares, bonds and national savings certificates


Continue to fund lifestyle via portfolio income, and cut back on substantial IHT liabilities

Portfolio type
Inheritance planning

Ben is a 75-year-old retired chartered account with two independent children and three grandchildren. He and his 74-year-old wife live in a mortgage-free house worth £1.2mn, and enjoy an income of nearly £90,000 partly via income from their substantial assets (see table below).

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