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'Can we retire at 55 with a £150,000 income?'

Portfolio Clinic: With a combined income of more than £300,000, this couple can save and spend a lot. But once the income dries up, will their savings be enough?
May 3, 2024
  • Our readers are high earners and have substantial savings and property
  • But their target income in retirement is high, and funds may need to last more than 35 years
  • Are their strategy and investment portfolio up to scratch?
Reader Portfolio
Jim and Helen 45 and 44

Isas, pensions and property


Save and invest as much as possible for the next 12 years and retire at 55

Portfolio type
Investing for growth

To retire early you need to get several things right. You need meticulous planning, a solid investment strategy and enough income in the meantime to make sure you can afford your lifestyle and save. Jim and Helen have all three. But, given their ambitious pension aims, the couple want to make sure their plan makes sense.

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