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10 investment trusts to beat inflation

Our Alpha report suggests new investing styles to out-run inflation
January 10, 2022
  • Equity income funds are a stand out theme this month.
  • The report is also very keen on funds invested in income producing assets with an inflation link.
  • All the report portfolios from the past year lead the FTSE All Share and 7/10 lead the MSCI World

The market’s mood has changed. The new consensus appears to be that inflation is here to stay and interest rates are on the up. For the Alpha investment trust report that means it's time to back income-focused trusts.

It feels like there has been quite a mood change at the start of 2022. For most of last year, central banks and the market had managed to tow the line that inflation was transitory and monetary largesse could continue. That all changed in the final months of 2021 and January seems to have found investors in a far more sober mood.

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