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Diversify your holdings with exposure to different investment styles

These readers should have exposure to more than just large-cap growth stocks
October 29, 2020 and Ben Yearsley
  • Readers want investments to generate £50,000 a year
  • Could be taken as a mixture of income and capital gains 
  • Need to diversify their investments by investment style 
Reader Portfolio
Mike 48

Isa, trading account and pension invested in funds, cash, residential property. 


After tax income of of 7 per cent or more – at least Â£50,000 a year – from investments, prevent investments' value from falling more than 10 per cent a year.

Portfolio type
Investing for income

Mike is 48 and has recently left his job. His wife doesn't work and their child has just started university. Their home is worth about £900,000 and is mortgage-free.

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