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Time to question our dividend-based stock screen

A bad year for our 'Safe Yields' screen proves payouts are not a good proxy for underlying strength
July 31, 2023

This week’s stock screen is the Safe Yields method devised by my predecessor Algy Hall, and has now been running for 12 years. By selecting reliable and well-covered dividend-payers, it aims to find quality businesses whose strengths may be masked by a perceived dullness. 

Although this feels like an intelligent way to approach stockpicking, there is something slightly odd about its name and methodology. For a start, what do we mean by a safe yield? While this is a question many investors think about, it requires some unpacking. Even then, it isn’t always clear-cut.

In the world of fixed income, yields are usually very safe. Unless a country or company defaults on their obligation to meet coupon payments, a bond’s yield can be considered locked in until maturity. And because defaults are mercifully rare, the balance of risks equates to safety.

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