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‘Is £1.4mn enough to retire on while taking three holidays a year?’

Portfolio Clinic: These business owners’ array of assets needs to last a long retirement and also help their children
May 9, 2023 & Dennis Hall & Nick Onslow
  • Our readers want to start thinking about retirement
  • Pay off or reduce their mortgages
  • They are seeking to generate retirement income and to help their children
Reader Portfolio
Edward and Marie 61 and 56

Pensions and Isa invested in funds, cash, commercial and residential property


Retire, pay off mortgages, earn £45,000 a year in retirement, help children financially, simplify investments to grow Sipps and generate £12,000 a year, achieve better growth rate than cash, hold manageable number of investments, keep charges to a minimum

Portfolio type
Investing for goals

Edward and Marie are 61 and 56 and run their own business, bringing in up to £70,000 a year in income. The couple want to step back from work and have amassed a £1.4mn portfolio of pensions, individual savings accounts (Isas) and property to help them meet their goals. They also want to help their four children, while ensuring they mitigate any nasty inheritance tax (IHT) bills.

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